affordable car insurance galveston tx

affordable car insurance galveston tx

affordable car insurance galveston tx


BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare





Insurance on Drivers License?

How do you get insurance on just your drivers license?



Stolen care, will insurance cover it?

Hi, My car was stolen a week ago, and just got recovered now. The are dmg on the body that i know insurance will cover. But what about the engine? i dont want that engine anymore, a friend of mine saw them thrashing the car like 150+km/h. and my clutch are probably warned out by them. I dont want the engine, as it could break down on me anytime after the theif been through it... If with JustCars Insurance.



What happens to your insurance rates if your car is stolen?

What happens to your insurance rates if your car is stolen?



The Best Health Insurance ..?

Hi there folks, I am new in this health insurance business and we are shopping for one. We live in Texas. Im looking for a plan for me and my wife. What's the best plan you guys have that affordable plan with the best coverage for 2 people.What do you have and what would you recommend? And whats the best health insurance plan that is affordable and also covers pregnancy? Please do let us know , I would really appreciate your responses. Camry Lover



I need affordable Health Insurance!! Where can I find this?

I do not qualify for State insurance, no work ins availaible, and can't afford to pay the cost of some companies out of pockett. Does anyone know something or some Health Insurance maybe I have not heard about yet?



Homeowner's insurance and lawsuit?

If I was physically assaulted on someones's property by their family member, can I sue homeowner's insurance? The grandson of the homeowner had been drinking and during a discussion he punched me and broke my jaw.



HOw much does it cost to insure a second vehicle?

I pay $125 a month for my car. WOuld like to get one of those vans you camp in and insure it for the summer. About what pertenage would be added to my current insurance, approimxently? just want rough estimates for people who have insured more then one vehicle before?



Are Replica Cars Cheaper To Insure Than Normal Every Day Cars?

Would An AC Cobra Convertible Replica Be Cheaper To Insure Than Say A Renault Megane CC Or Saab 93 Convertible



Can I be reimbursed for birth control paid for after Affordable Care Act took effect?

After paying my co pay for birth control for about a year, I finally asked my pharmacist what he knew about the Affordable Care Act. He ran my insurance and found out that I was eligible for free birth control. Is there any way for me to be reimbursed for the birth control that I paid for after the Affordable Care Act became effective?



What is the cheapest health insurance for low income people?

my kids father had a stroke two days ago and i am trying to help him find health insurance. he is having a hard time getting any insurance because he is unemployed and receives unemployment payments but they won't see him at the clinic because he has too many assets. He owns a trailer and has two cars. If any one can help i really would appreciate it. He also has high blood pressure, high colesterol, and diabetes. He had a stroke because he couldn't afford to buy his medications for his high blood pressure and colesterol.please help . i dont want anything bad to happen to him.



Do any insurance companies do insurance on two cars uk only?

Why is it that if a person has two cars you can not get insurance for two cars on one policy If like me you have more than 9 years no claims bonus you must put your no claims on to one policy and start a new policy for the other car. but you can only drive one car at a time Is this just another insurance rip off



How will insurance companies make up for the preexisting clause elimination?

I guess in 2014 health insurance companies can't discriminate people for preexisting illnesses. How will they make up for that? Will they just increase premiums for everybody?



Is healthcare on medicaid health insurance decent?

my father has to take an array of medications every day for heart problems and high blood pressure. will these be covered? i hear many doctors don't take payment from medicaid, and that poor healthcare is offered through the program, instead of private practitioners, one must go to community clinics, etc. should my father go on medicaid, or is it not worth it?



Insurance questions for a minor?

I'm about to have a son, I'm 17 I'm on my dads insurance my boyfriend is 20 he's on his parents insurance. Who's insurance does my son go on, or does he go on medicaid? If you just want to insult me for being a young mom keep it to yourself it doesn't hurt my feelings and you're wasting my time.



I was banned for drink driving does anyone know any cheap insurance companys?

before anyone says i know i was stupid but i was just over the limit, im looking at buying a nissan micra or something small and i wanted to know where to get the cheapest car insurance



How long does a traffic violation affect car insurance quotes?

Two years ago, Feb in 2011, I was caught driving with a suspended license. Since then, car insurance has been through the roofs. How long until my quotes are no longer affected by my violation?



Any affordable health insurance options for a 65 years old thats not eligible for Medicare?

My in laws are 65 years old and just moved to the US (legally!). Because they are not US Citizens yet, and it will take 5 to 6 years for that to happen, they do not qualify for Medicare. So my question is, is there any affordable option to get healthcare coverage for someone who is over 65 yrs old? Because my husband and I are sponsoring them if they cannot pay for a medical (or any other) bill, they will come after us and we all know how expensive cancer or even a simple surgery can be, needless to say that we are not sleeping well at night! Thanks! Sheila (your love life paramedic)



Does insurance cost more on a dodge truck with a hemi?

Versus the base 4.7L. The truck is a 2006 if that makes a difference.



Would it be cheaper to get car insurance if I'm working or unemployed?

Would it be cheaper to get car insurance if I'm working or unemployed?



Thinking about changing to TD for auto insurance?

My current auto insurance company is charging me around $380.00 per month for insurance TD quoted me for $230.00 per month. I have only been with my current insurance company for 4 months now is it worth changing? here is TDs rules for cancelling. I personally think it is worth the change would TD still take me if i cancel early into my policy i haven't missed a payment and this would be the first time i cancelled a policy. Do there rules apply for me Cancelling???? or am i alright for changing? also i paid first and last do they take my last month as a cancellation fee? anyways let me know thanks TD Canada Trust rules for cancelling If an insurance company has cancelled/refused your policy for whatever reason (e.g., non-disclosure of tickets, non-payment), we are unable to provide you with an online quote. We do not take into account a policy that you cancelled yourself.



Get insurance on car if title not in my name?

I am wanting to make payments to a freind for this car until it is paid off. The title is in his name, can I get insurance on it for myself even though the title is not in my name?



Individual health insurance plan?

I'm trying to find an individual plan that covers all my needs. I do have a routine medical problem that requires a few prescriptions every month, it's not a big and costly issue like cancer or HIV. Should I disclose this as a preexisting medical condition if asked, will I be denied coverage if I'm honest? If I obtain the insurance after denying my condition could I be denied the care/specialty visit/meds from a very routine medical condition?



Health insurance for baby?

Anyone know any health insurance companies that cover babies right after birth? I found out last night that my insurance won't cover my baby the second the cord is cut because I'm under my dad's policy and she is not/will not be his dependent. I do NOT want to go on government insurance, so are there any other companies that will cover infants from birth on? Thanks in advance.



What does estate mean in life insurance?

if someone has life insurance and does not have his/her spouse as the benificiary but has estate as the benificiary what does this mean?



How much would car insurance cost?

how much would car insurance cost for a 16 year old guy driving a 2006 pontiac g6 4 door 2.4 liter engine


affordable car insurance galveston tx

affordable car insurance galveston tx


Why is my car insurance so expensive?

I'm 17 years old, with no convictions or points on my licence. I passed my test about a week ago, and I cannot get insurance for my VW polo 1.2, 02 plate lower than 10'000!!? What do I do?



Children's health insurance?

Just had custody of 15 and 18 year old changed from me to their Dad . All their lives I've been responsible for their insurance . As far as CHIPS goes in Texas . Since kiddos now live with their Dad . I can no longer get them enrolled . And our custody papers say I am to keep insurance on them till they are no longer eligible . Well , they are no longer eligible . Through the guide lines of CHIPS here in Texas . I even have the paper they sent to me . I can't get insurance on them . What am I to do now . Or is it up to my ex to go and enroll them ? I am a stay at home Mom who babysits . So I do not have access to private insurance .




I am 23. I want to get a sports motorcycle. How much will my insurance be?



How much would it cost to insure a 16 year old boy?

i want to buy a 1988 toyota mr2 but my parents say the insurance would be to expensive can you give me a estimate how much it would cost.



Car Insurance for 17 year old? UK?

I've tried calling companies - they all say 'We cannot give you a quote' Comparison websites - 'cannot quote' How am i supposed to get insurance... i dont mind paying anything up to 7000 I've tried with 3 different cars... even a 1.0L and still no quotes.



How to become an insurance agent in california?

How long does it take and where to go in ca central valley area or bay area anything about this would be greatly appreciated thanks!



Is This Right? (Retinal Detachment/Cataract/Lens/Insur... Question)?

Let me make a very long story short and get right to the questions. I have moved across the United States by myself at the age of 20 with no insurance covered by my parents, nor will they ever if they could. I had a retinal detachment in my left eye. Paid out of pocket for an eye doctor appointment, he freaked out and told me to go straight to the emergency room for emergency surgery since my entire retina was detached. After my surgery, half unconscious too, a social worker got assigned to me because I was under 21 and legally dependent on the state. So the state paid for my surgery. I had a 2nd one too because the first failed. During my 2nd surgery I had cataracts in my eye so they removed the natural lens. And they never replaced the natural lens since they feared the retina may detach again like the first time. But it stay together and I turned 21. So therefore, legally independent by the state. My check up appointment was after my birthday which the front desk of the eye section declared I must pay $80 for every check up visit, which they wanted me to come in every other week. And if I did not pay, I could not go in. Due to my 6 months of surgeries and recover time I had no money, and was not working. I live with my in-laws, and they were taking care of me, but they are certainly not going to pay my medical bills. So here I am now, age 22 and I have been working for about a year. My job does not offer health insurance until you worked for a year, and even then, there is a certain month you can sign up. I have been walking around for over a year without a natural lens, or ANY lens in my left eye. This is in no way like being blind. My doctor had told me that if I got my license and drove, if ever in an accident, I would get in serious trouble because you are not supposed to drive this way. Not that I do, I cannot see correctly so it is wicked dangerous. Having no lens in one eyes messes with your other eye. Hard to explain unless you have literally had this situation before. Sunlight glares into my bad eye, then into my good eye. Same with darkness or bright lights in general. I am actually very blind at night because of this. This is literally ruining my life. I have no money to pay for insurance, or the surgery which can be easily be 10,000 dollars. Is this legal for a county hospital to do? I have never heard of anyone in my situation. Even the thousands of times I have googled and searched. Never heard of anyone in my shoes. What are my rights here? Is there some way I can fight this? Where is my justice? This is holding me back so badly in life. Please someone with real help and not a crappy site they copy and pasted, help! I need some real human help!!



Is a life insurance that terms at age 95 a good one?

I just reviewed my life insurance and saw that it termed at age 95..I'm not sure if that is good or bad...please help!



What is car insurance?

I tell people that im going to get a lambo when I grow up im going to save $120,000 and then buy it all at once....and then pay for the maintence ad all that too.. but people say that you wont be able to afford the car insurance?? what is car insurance. I thought that's a choice like you pay 100 a month and if your car is broken you get it fixed for free.. so why DO I HAVE TO PAY FOR INSURANCE ON A LAMBO? why cant I just save up all my money and buy it and then that's it.. just take it home and drive.



Teenage Car insurance Impossible?

For starters I am for the most part completely ignorant as to the workings of Car insurance or really.. anything involving cars.. so bare with me.. I'm trying to figure out how to get insurance as a primary driver I'm an 18 year old male still in school with a full G license, the car is a 1995 ford model worth only.. 1000 $ max, it's 2 door, I have a 75%+ average in school, I have no prior accidents or tickets. Essentially perfect as far as all the variables that effect insurance rates go. Yet when i got quotes online they are still telling me I have to pay 380 $ monthly. What the ****? On average I only make about 400 or 500 a month.. adding on gas money to that my cost of living is practically negative from just drive to and from work? So I guess what I'm asking is.. Is teenage car insurance even possible without help from mommy and daddy or dropping school to work more? Can anyone link me or give me the name of auto-insurance companies that give the best rates for Teens? Anything in the 2000-3000 $ range a year would be perfect




I am carried under my mothers insurance because I am in college currently and unmarried. I am pregnant though, so when I deliver, will the baby be carried under my mothers insurance also? Capital Blue Cross.



I don't have health insurance, should I get AFLAC?

My company sent an AFLAC representative to us today. I heard it was supplemental health insurance and it costs $35/month for accidents and sickness. I don't have any insurance at more



Term Life Insurance?

I have Term Life Insurance for my husband. I have recieved a letter, stating that I may want to change this policy to Permanent Life Insurance. Why would I want to do this, what is the benefit or difference between the 2?



What states do not require you to have auto insurance??????

What states is it not mandatory to have auto insurance in order to register and drive your car? I know that it is absolutely mandatory to have insurance if your financing your car or truck reguardless.



How can i get cheap car insurance?

How can i get cheap car insurance?



Non US citizen car insurance?

Hi guys, I'm non us citizen and i will be here in US for 6 months. I decided to get a car while i'm here. I know i can get one but i'm not sure about the insurance since i can not get non citizen insurance quote. Could anyone give me some advice on where to go to get car insurance as I'm not US citizens. Or is there any other solutions?



How do I get Certificate of Insurance for photographers?

Which insurance company should I go to for a policy for photographer. A million dollar coverage in NYC. How much does something like this cost for a year coverage.



How much is the fine when a cop pull you over and dont have licence,insurance and tags!?

My uncle got pull over by a cop and gave him a fine without taking his car away(he got lucky) he didnt have a license or insurance and somebody stole his tag! he's not a resident or a citizen somebody know how much is that fine????he still have to go court but i wonder how much is going to be????




Does anyone know how much SR-22 Insurance Costs?



Needing Short-term disabilty insurance?

My husband and I are planning on having one more child in a year or so and I am looking for short-term disabilty insurance, b/c my work does not have it. Anybody know a good insurance??



Where can I find cheap motorcycle insurance in florida?

I am looking to finanace a bike, and need to find some insurance. Most of the quotes I have gotten have been at least $400 a month. I am trying to find something a lot cheaper. Do you have to have full coverage when financing or can you just get basic coverage like collision or something like that?



How much will my car insurance go up?

I just got my license a few months ago and i am on my families AAA plan for insurance. Right now my insurance is 1000 dollars per year. My aunt just bought a brand new porsche convertible and i am able to have her old 98 saab 900se 5sp turbo convertible. My parents dont want me to get it because they fear the insurance will skyrocket how much can i expect it to go up



How is the health insurance bill in the Senate going to lower costs?

Can someone explain to me how the bill going through the Senate right now does anything to control costs for the average family or person in the US? So far this is what I see: 1) If you have a good plan they are going to tax it - Raises costs 2) The insurance companies will have to cover everyone, even preexisting conditions - Raises costs 3) Cuts payouts to health providers for Medicare - Raises costs on others (they have to make it up) 4) Shifts costs to States for Medicaid - Raises state costs which raise state taxes 5) Cuts how much the Government pays for drugs - Raises cost when pharma makes up costs on private plans 6) Forces businesses to provide insurance for employees - Raises costs on all products Can anyone explain how this bill can lower costs for those who have insurance and keep them from rising? I am all for health insurance reform, these reforms just look terrible to me.



How much will it cost to insure my business?

It's a grocery delivery business. I have a few drivers. I am concerned about the following: Protecting employees while they are driving/delivering, Protecting my customers from any negligence or criminal activity done by my employees, Insuring inexpensive (about $5k each) delivery cars



First car, What are good and cheap cars?

I know everyone says to go for a KA but I can't stand them. I like the idea of a renault clio but not sure how cheap that works out for insurance&petrol etc. So a list of good cars would be appreciated! Also, I want to travel roughly 24 miles two days a week for college, so I need something not to juicy!


affordable car insurance galveston tx

affordable car insurance galveston tx


How can I drive my new car home without insurance?

I am buying a car and will need one-day insurance to get it back home, however I am 20 years old and no-one will cover me. How do I get the car home without trying to find someone over 20 to drive it for me?!



How much does full time RV insurance cost per year?

I know it's different for everyone but how much does it cost for you? And what size / class RV do you have? I'm just trying to get a rough estimate. Thanks



State Disability Insurance in California?

I was laid off in December (company went under) and in March I got pregnant. I have not found a permanent job and at this point am not going to try - who's going to hire a pregnant woman, right? I am receiving unemployment which will be running out in a few weeks and I'm thinking about working for a temp agency until the baby is born to bring in some money. Does anyone know if I am working temp can I collect State Disability Insurance once the doctor tells me no more working? I'm really pissed...worked all those years and now I may not be able to collect through no fault of my own. Any help is appreciated. I think if I'm not working at all I can't collect but not sure. Thanks.



2010 Camaro LT 16 year old insurance?

I am a 16 year old and I want a 2010 Camaro. I'm not being ridiculous and getting a brand new Camaro 2ss. I am getting a used Camaro LT. I'm really responsible with straight A's and I was wondering how much the average insurance company would charge for a car look this and a guy like me.



How Do I Get Health Insurance?

I'm thinking of leaving my job to go freelance in California. I have no idea where to even start to look for a private health insurance plan. I have a preexisting condition, so I'd probably be turned down for most regular plans. Should I look for an independent broker? I've looked online and it's impossible to find one. Does anyone know SPECIFICALLY where to go and what to do?



Why is car insurance so expensive for an 18 year old?

I was looking at quotes and they all range from 1000-1400 just for six months on a Nissan Sentra SR-E spec v. Which insurance is the cheapest and you would recommend. Its for a college student just for school and work.



Camaro Insurance cost?

I know insurance is a hard to estimate on since there are so many things that determine the price but can anyone tell me about the insurance for a 2012 camaro would cost for me? or how much extra it would cost for my situation. I have a 1998 toyota 4 runner and I am a 19 year old female. No tickets or car wrecks ever. My dad is getting me a new car and I am trying to talk him into letting me get a camaro. About how much extra would it cost yearly to go from an SUV to a sports car like a camaro?



What insurance should i get....?

I need to find the best insurance that is gonna be the cheapest. i checked qoutes on progressive and i got a qoute for like 500-600 dollars a month which i feel is too much! what insurance would you reccommend for young drivers? Ive had my liscense for a year and a half and have two points on it



In the future will car insurance for young drivers get cheaper?

In the future will car insurance for young drivers get cheaper?



What is the cheapest car insurance for a teenager and how much does it cost?

What is the cheapest car insurance for a teenager and how much does it cost?



Do I gotta be on my mom insurance?

Do I gotta be on my mom insurance to get my licence... I'm 17



Where can i get cheap affordable Health insurance?

I am 20 years old and i will need to see a cardiologist. I have a low paying job right now. Whats the best plans. I cant afford much =/



Can a dealership sell you a car without car insurance?

I bought a car, thinking I had car insurance, and I want out. I didn't put any money down, yet i signed the paperwork and drove off the lot with the car. I brought back the same day, but of course they didn't take it back. Can they hold me to the loan if i didnt have car insurance and i have no job? I am only 19 and want a way out.



What cars have cheap insurance for a teen?

Not looking for some online thing with only a couple new cars. In YOUR experience what cars have the cheapest insurance? Right now I'm looking for any beater as looks really don't matter too much as I'm only gonna pay like $500 or a little more depending on the car and only going to drive it for 3-4 months or so (unless its a classic) because with the job I am getting next month Ill be able to afford a much nicer car and insurance in no time. I got a quote for an 03 civic si coupe at 400 bucks a month (while on my dads insurance) I am 17 and thats too much for me right now heck i could buy an old beater civic for that much. So I'm thinking going back as 90's and up (I'm all for classic cars but I dont think the insurance will be any less because they think all old cars have massive and fast motors and are death traps. I like this 87 monte carlo ss that isnt too old but again the insurance sees ss and adds another $100 -_- ) theres also a 76 camaro with a 305 that I really like and its already yellow! (bumble bee anyone?) though i dont know how the insurance would be for that. It's just a regular one as there was no z28 option in 76. Now I'm thinking what about the early 90s civics such as the hatch? though I would guess insurance would still be high because they are easy to steal see my frustration no matter what cheap car i think of insurance finds a reason to skyrocket rates What cars can you recommend me that I can get for a grand? cheap insurance and cheap gas would be good too but if the fbodys arent too bad on insurance then i dont care about the gas.



Looking for Auto Insurance in Canada...?

I need some company names please. Searching for a reputable and affordable insurance company. If you're happy with yours, send their name along.... Thanks for your answers!



Life insurance?

I'm 22 years old guy, I just got my life insurance. I pay like 200 bucks each month,and $65 of it goes to the life insurance and the rest is going to my cash value account. my coverage amount is 250K and is increasing. I was wondering what you guys think about life insurance? Is it a good thing to have? Is it a good insurance or not?



Whats the cheapest car to insure when your 17?

im 17 years old and learning to drive a manual. im looking round to see what car is the cheapest to insure. i don't mind the make and model of the car. i was wondering if you could give me ideas on the cheapest car to insure, for both manual and automatic. thankyou.



How much would it cost if i put full coverage on a 2007 Nissan Altima?

I want to buy a 2007 Nissan Altima 2.5s and want to put full coverage on it. I want to know how much or approx how much would it be? and whats the best insurance out there that wont cost too much each month. geico? the general? farmers? progressive? Please respond back!



In the uk what car is the cheapest for insurance?

i want to buy a car but the insurance is too much so I want to know what car is cheap to insure



95 Jeep Grand Cherokee insurance Cost?

New driver, just got my licence at 18 years old.



New York city question regarding insurance?

How are the insurance premiums in New york city (queens borough specifically) ? i.e. how much would someone like I have to pay for insurance say per year (for a car that has about 80,000 miles on it)? I have New York driving license for 2 1/2 years now, and prior to that had Pennsylvania license for 3 years. I had my own car for the 3 years I had Pennsylvania license, and have been renting cars (twice or thrice a year) for the 2 1/2 years I have been in NYC. In all these 5 1/2 years, I had no accidents. Also, how much is registration fee to register a vehicle in New york city?



What is the average car insurance for young males with a black box installed?

I'm in the UK and my friend who is 17 who recently passed his test said his car insurance was just over 500 per year, as he had black box installed. (Also, not on his parents insurance either) I've read average figures for car insurance for young males is in the 3000-5000 range. So can the box really bring insurance down that much? I know figures vary for type of car and all that. But we're talking average here. I imagine most young people are not going to be able to afford brand new cars, and will be cost-concious, so will go for older models anyway. So the 3000+ figures still seem incredibly high for an average figure.



When leasing a car, how much does one usually pay for GAP insurance, if it not included in payment?

Thinking about leasing a Toyota Camry LE (sale price 19,200.00) for 3 years. I'm wondering what others have paid for GAP insurance on similarly priced,leased, autos, or on any priced autos. My auto insurance company does not provide GAP insurance. Hope this is clear. Thanks.



Why are my wife's health insurance rates going up?

2 days after Obama signed the new health care law, my wife received and email from her health insurance company. Her monthly rates, and her deductible will be going up. Ah.. wait a minute... isn't the new health care law supposed to make health insurance more affordable????



What kind of coverage do I need for my motorcycle insurance during storage months? It has a lien on it.?

What do I need and what can I take off from my coverage during the winter months when I store and not riding it? It has a lien on it so obviously I need to keep some coverage. A more


affordable car insurance galveston tx

affordable car insurance galveston tx


Private health insurance = cheaper and better care?

Statistics show that US citizens pay almost exactly 2X per capita for health care compared to countries with government-supplied general health care. As with so much of our more



What is the basic kind of insurance required by California Law?

What kind of insurance covers something like another driver hitting your car door, and then driving off before you could get their license plate # what is comprehensive , and what is collision, ?



How much does Health Insurance cost?

Say your a 25 year old female and need health insurance how much would that cost a month..and most jobs come with health insurance



What Insurance Company has Accident forgiveness?

I need a company that wont be so expensive. I had a bad accident and need a different insurance company, any good ones? Im in Florida btw



Help with comprehensive and collision car insurances?

For example, if someone got their tires slashed, does this fall into the comprehensive car insurance category? And do you have to pay a deductible just like when using collision insurance to pay for damages?



What steps are needed to obtain a license to sale Insurance in the State of California?

I have a college degree, but just had a baby and I'm looking to obtain a license to sale Insurance for when my son gets older so I can have a flexible schedule. What is the process in the State of California to obtain a license to sale Insurance? (car insurance, business insurance, home insurance, etc.) Is there a seperate license for each kind of insurance? or does one license cover all of them? Also, what are the steps to obtain a license? Any information would be great! (also, how long is the process of obtaining a license?)



Approx. Insurance rate for 20 yo male with a 04 G35x sedan?

thinking about buying a G35x after i get back from Afghanistan, just wondering how much insurance might be



Why does CAR INSURANCE cost more when a CAR/ motor vehicle is PAINTED RED?

Why does the color red coast more to insure ?



Insurance help???!?!?!?

right, im a 17 year old male who passed my test in may 2010, however i now have enough money for a cheap car and insurance, but why is it so expensive?? cheapest i have found is like 4k so please if anyone can help what is the best cars to get cheap insurance, i have tried putting myself as a second driver but is still really expensive, i need some help where is the best place, what is the price you have? i just need helpp!!!! pleeasssee



How much does a Yamaha YZF R125 cost? And how much is insurance/tax per year?

Cheers :)



Do i need insurance to drive parents car in PA?

i just got my liscense and was wondering if i need insurance to drive my parents car?



Emergency Roadside Assistance(ERA) in my auto insurance policy vs. or do I get AAA?

I was speaking with AAA about auto insurance and she advised me not to get ERA but to buy a AAA membership. Granted, I have to consider the fact that works for AAA, but she said that ERA is bad because if you use it, it counts as a claim and could affect your renewal price or if you switch providers they may use that to charge you more $. ERA costs me about $35/year and AAA is about $65 (although you did get more ). Any thoughts? Is here claim claim something valid? Thanks!



My auto insurance covers anybody who drives my my teen covered? I cannot afford to list him....?

Me and my teen have a car. I have both cars listed on my insurance with full coverage. If he is not covered is there an insurance company that will cover a driver of his age without more



How much would motorcycle insurance on a yamaha r6 in nj be?

Idk how old I'll be when I get one, can I get an answer for ages 18 and 21 please? thanks!



I live in California and got a second offense for driving without insurance how much will this cost me?

I live in California and got a second offense for driving without insurance how much will this cost me?



Do any insurance companies do insurance on two cars uk only?

Why is it that if a person has two cars you can not get insurance for two cars on one policy If like me you have more than 9 years no claims bonus you must put your no claims on to one policy and start a new policy for the other car. but you can only drive one car at a time Is this just another insurance rip off



How much will car insurance cost me?

I'm an 18 year old male. My GPA in high school was 3.4. No criminal record. I'm going to be driving my mom's Honda Accord 2005. She only got into 2-3 accidents ever. She has Farmers Insurance. They never respond when my parents ask them how much insurance would cost me so I figured I should ask someone here for an estimate.



How can you convince your parents to allow you to get your own car?

We went to the Ford Dealer and there was a 2007 Ford Taurus SE. The dealer wanted $8700.00 that is with tax. So I test drove it and took it to a mechanic nearby and the car checked out fine. My mom and stepfather went into the finance department and I waited in the room adjacent to them. The bad part is that I couldn't get the car because they had a small discussion about how much gas, insurance, and maintenance the car will cost. So I left the ford dealer with no car. My mom said because I am a young man I could buy my own car and take on the responsibility of a young man. I told her can she please do it and I will pay her back over the years. She said no and my stepfather said come on man lets go home. I felt a little embarrassed because everyone in the lounge was looking at me. So how can I convince my mom and stepfather to buy me this car.



What cost more to insure?????

what cost more to insure, a coupe , sedan, convertible, truck, suv, i ask because i have a mustang gt and insurance and gas are killing me. i want a luxury car, but cant decide if i want a suv or sedan ect. ect.



How much will my insurance go up after a DUI??

I got a D.U.I. and i am going to get my license back soon and i am wondering how much my insurance will be compared to before.



What is individual and family health insurance?

I am planning to have family health insurance in these days but I want to understand the basic difference between individual and family health insurance.



Car accident and no insurance.?

My mom was involved in a car accident and she found out her insurance was cancelled earlier. It was her fault and the other driver is insured, but they took away her license. We know she has to pay out of pocket but is there a company that will pay the lump sum for her so she can pay the company little by little?



Will tinting my windows add to my insurance?

Wanting to get my golfs windows tinted and im wondering if it will add to my insurance? Do i need to let my insurance company know?



How much will my insurance cost?

how much will insurance cost if i'm 17 a girl and driving a 2002 mustang?



Car insurance help please?

hi well im 30 and just would like to know when i pass my driving test in uk will my insurance be cheap as i am 30 years old or will it still be high as i have no experiance on the road cus i want a golf gti or shall i op for the 1.4 :(


affordable car insurance galveston tx

affordable car insurance galveston tx